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Writer's pictureDr. Lisa Thompson

The Days to Come

The recent events and current status of our world of sheltering-in-place take me back to the year 1986. That was the year my life was turned upside down and would forever change. I was 13 and living in Oklahoma City, OK with my mom. She and my aunt had gone on a trip to Denver for a weekend workshop titled, “The Days to Come.” The teacher was Ramtha, a channeled entity who is a warrior from 35,000 years ago from the time of Atlantis. His message on this particular weekend was that the world would be rapidly changing and that people would need to begin preparing to be able to live off the land.

Ramtha predicted massive weather shifts causing long droughts, which would make water hard to come by. He recommended for those not living in rain heavy environments, to move to such locations. He told them to get animals to use as food source and to grow a garden. He also said to build up a food storage (among other things) to be able to live on as these changes were happening.

My mom came home from that weekend saying that we would be moving. Where, she didn’t know at that point, but she and my aunt would start looking for a new location for us to move to. After considering a move to Colorado and to Arkansas, we ended up moving to Yelm, WA, the town where JZ Knight, who channels Ramtha, lives. Washington had the rainfall that was suggested and they wanted to be closer to the teachings.

In August of 1986, we packed up the moving truck and our car and drove out west. Within a year of moving to Yelm, my mom found a house on a large acreage that she rented, and the farming began. She built a huge garden. She bought farm animals including chickens, ducks, rabbits, and two goats. Later we would add a turkey to the collection.

Over the next four+ years, my “city-girl” mom played farmer, and I had to help her. During that time, nothing seemed to be changing in the world on the level that Ramtha predicted.

I went away to college and my mom moved to an even more rural property where her only means of electricity was with a generator. I rarely visited due to it being uncomfortable in her house. I would occasionally get phone calls from her with warnings about predictions being made of earthquakes and such – to be prepared with food and water.

After many years of this, it was like the boy crying wolf. Things had not happened like Ramtha said, so I became wary of the warnings. I went about my life as usual.

When 9/11 happened in 2001, it was the first time since 1986 that I felt any imminent danger. I was living in Springfield, OH at the time. I had just started my biology professor job, and I was all alone. Some of my friends from Yelm suggested to me that I stock up on canned and freezer food right away in case the terrorists pollute the food and water. I did so and hunkered down as best as I could for a few months while the hysteria died down and it felt safe again.

Here we are now in 2020, almost 19 years after 9/11. I was having a conversation with my husband last week about whether or not we should try to stock up on food items. We agreed that it would be a good idea, but that we did not have to go overboard. I joked that this is what I have been training for since I was 13.

At this point, we have no idea how long this will go on in our country and around the world. I am grateful that the essential facilities like grocery stores are open for business and people can get what they need. Currently, we have plenty of clean well water. I have a stocked pantry. We have electricity and fresh air. Most importantly I have my husband, two kids, and three fur babies here with me in our home. We are healthy. The only thing we can do is take this one day at a time and keep ourselves in a peaceful state of mind.

I’m sending all of my love to you, and I hope you are able to stay in a peaceful, grateful state of mind. We will make it through this, and my hope is that humanity is being restored since we are all in this together.

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