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Galactic Ascension Channeling

What is Galactic Ascension Channeling (SM)?


Are you feeling stuck in one or more areas of your life? Do you keep repeating toxic relationship patterns? Do you have emotions and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from living a life you love? Is the flow of abundance feeling like a trickle to you? Do you have physical pain or illness that you are ready to release?


Galactic Ascension Channeling (GAC) - is a modality developed by Dr. Lisa Thompson, which combines multiple techniques and tools including, but not limited to, regression therapy, sound healing, crystal therapy, oracle card reading, light language, and channeling.


GAC helps you to:

  • Identify and clear away blockages and stuck emotions that create repeated patterns of emotional trauma and physical illness and disease in the body

  • Realign and balance your energy centers

  • Reset your environment at the quantum level to allow your body to restore itself to its natural regenerative healing state

  • Release the energy of the past to live fully in your present

  • Create a new state of being that aligns you to your desired reality of living


Dr. Lisa channels the energy and wisdom of her vast and varied galactic team to guide each session for optimal healing results. Each session is unique and catered to the needs of the client.



Here is what Dr. Lisa's clients have shared about

Galactic Ascension Channeling:


“It’s been months since my session with you and so much healing has happened. I felt guided to reach out & tell you how grateful I am of you and what our session has done for me. I have healed wounds with my own mother & my relationship with my daughter who lives with me is growing intensely, as well as new gifts of claireaudience and visions are getting stronger. I had a horse come up to me & ask me to heal it’s leg and a part of me was scared (to get kicked in the face- pretty sure this was just the ego) because after I put my hands on him and set intention for love and healing, immediately after the horse nuzzled me, and I felt this undeniable love just pour into me. I believe this healing gift of mine is just opening. So many breakthroughs, unexpected gifts, abundance, and love is flowing into my life!  I feel like my mindset is brand new. I am reborn. And I know this is just the beginning! Thank you so much I cannot express the amount of gratitude I have! I love you!” 


Nic W. 



“I have so many things to be thankful for this year, and you are definitely someone I feel gratitude to. I distinctly remember coming home and feeling like I'm okay exactly as I am.  I am even lovable maybe.  At the very least I feel more love for myself. All of my sensitivities no longer matter so much. They aren't my identity, but an aspect of how I was created. Since then I've been upleveling pretty quickly on a regular basis. I'm pealing back the onion of trauma, facing the bullying and viciousness of those I attracted into my life, and working on my relationship with spirit, which sounds generic, but is very complex. I'm the most emotionally stable and strong that I've ever been.”


Kerri A.



“Lisa helped me to let go of limiting beliefs that were holding me back from fulfilling my true destiny. I experienced a huge transformation during our session. Lisa made me feel at ease and able to discuss painful events that stifled my ability to move forward in my life. I was stuck in fear and though I wanted badly to quit my job and seek out something new and exciting, but those old limiting beliefs in myself held me back. Immediately upon my return home I posted my resume on a jobsite and within minutes received a reply for an interview! I attended the interview and was offered the job within 30 minutes. I gave notice to my job of 14 years, one that was super stressful and unfulfilling. I started the new job two weeks later, and I am happier than I can remember. I come home stress free and smiling. I have begun to exercise and meditate again. I am writing and being creative again. My family and friends see a huge change in me. I can’t thank Lisa enough for the major nudge to accept myself as worthy.

I highly recommend Lisa’s service as being life changing!”


Gail G.



"I have worked with many healers over the years, and I have to say that Lisa is a highly skilled professional! I was impressed by my experience working with her. I felt completely guided and safe as she directed my hypnosis journey in a meaningful and insightful way. As a result, I was able to completely relax and gain new insights about myself, my future, and more! If you’re considering working with Lisa, don’t hesitate to book your session now! You won’t regret it."


Diana B.



"I recently experienced my first session with Lisa - INCREDIBLE. Lisa is patient and knows what you need and when you need it.

She guided me step-by-step, and I felt comfortable and safe the entire time. You're in control of what you want to

accomplish and where you go, and Lisa is there to guide you the entire time."


Victoria Z.



“The healing session awakened my soul and reminded me of who I am and what my purpose is. 

Lisa has such a beautiful spirit, I am grateful for her sharing her gifts with us.”


Gina B.




Sessions can be done in person or remotely via Zoom.


Single Session – up to 2 hours - $333


3 Session Package – 90 minutes each - $777


5 Session Package – 90 minutes each - $1,199



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