As some of you know, I am a best-selling author, speaker, designer, and intuitive transformational coach. I empower, inspire, and support women to create Sacred Soul Space within and around them. I work with clients to create environments that support them physically, emotionally, and spiritually, to release blockages and limitations, and to access self-love, worthiness, and inner wisdom.
But how did I get here?
I have gone through many transitions throughout my life in career, relationships, and my spiritual journey that have all culminated into the services, products, and gifts that I offer. I share snippets of these journeys below.
My original career was as a college professor teaching Zoology, Marine Biology, Comparative Anatomy, and Physiology with my specialty being in the study of sharks, stingrays, and all their relatives. Although I love these fishes, academia ended up not being for me, as it was very limiting. Growing up I was very creative and spent time drawing animals and dancing. I choreographed and taught dance in high school and college. I started creating jewelry my first year in college and continued that through graduate school. I almost quit grad school to go to art school, but my parents convinced me to stay in to get my PhD, which I did. As a professor, I painted whimsical furniture as a hobby.
When I left academia, I ended up in the mortgage industry for 5 years. I had a business with my first husband. When I divorced him (he was highly toxic and abusive), I closed the business down and started on a new journey as an interior designer. For the last 11 1/2 years I have owned an interior design and home staging business. Although that was fulfilling for a while, it didn't feed all parts of me.
Five years ago I had a scientific hand analysis done for me and my two children. Based on our lines, we all have the same journey in this life, which is to be a spiritual teacher of some sort. I was told that I needed to walk that path to open the door for my kids to be able to do so as well. The hand analysis session planted a seed in my head, and I stayed open to what being a spiritual teacher might look like.
Three years ago, I attended the International Women's Summit in Phoenix and experienced Denise Linn (one of the world’s foremost experts on Past Life Regression) for the first time. The past life regression we did in the breakout session was so profound, I decided I needed to train with her. The following month I was at her house getting my advanced certification, and I started Mystic Manta.
Several months later, I decided to merge my spiritual side with my design side and created Sacred Soul Space Design and wrote a book on the topic (Sacred Soul Spaces: Designing Your Personal Oasis). Writing that book led me to write my second book, Sacred Soul Love: Manifesting True Love and Happiness by Revealing and Healing Blockages and Limitations, which was inspired by the transitions I have had in my relationships.
After writing the two books, I was inspired to create jewelry again after my long hiatus, and I now have several different jewelry lines. In the last year I have also been inspired to create 6 different oracle decks, and I'm working on my 7th right now as well. If you couldn’t tell, I am a creator.
The Sacred Soul Love work that I do comes from growing up feeling unworthy, unlovable and abandoned. My parents divorced when I was 2. My mom moved me to a different state and I hardly saw or talked to my dad. My mom did her best, but she was very career focused and she had one relationship after another. I was very alone, and I thought I had to be a super achiever to get the attention I wanted from her.
As I grew up, I was seeking love wherever I could find it, usually with "bad" boys that I would create the pattern of rejection with. As I mentioned earlier, my first husband was toxic and abusive. I left him when our daughter was 7 months old, knowing that my life would collapse - I closed our business down and I filed for bankruptcy. During the divorce, which took a few years, I met my 2nd husband. I had not healed myself, and so what looked like a great guy turned out to be another one who was controlling and didn't respect who I truly was at my core. He was afraid of my spirituality.
After 8 years with husband number 2, I knew I needed to heal myself. I worked with a coach and went through a lot of different healing techniques, coming out on the other side with loving myself for the first time in this life and knowing my worth. Soon after I met the love of my life, and we have been together for 5 happy years, with many more to come.
As far as my spiritual side, I grew up in an esoteric spiritual home. My mom was an astrologer and all of her friends were astrologists, tarot card readers, psychics and witches. We moved from Oklahoma City to Yelm, WA when I was 13 to attend the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. I learned in the school about creating my reality and the underlying quantum mechanics behind it, which was powerful to understand as a teenager. Although I am no longer a student of Ramtha, I incorporate some of the teachings in my daily life and my work. I have experienced a lot of other spiritual work and have taken classes to unlock my intuition even more. I have also taken extensive classes in Human Design (combination of western Astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah Tree of Life, Hindu Chakra System, Genetics, and Quantum Mechanics) to use with my clients.
One of my passions in life is travel. In the last several years I have been to Africa, Belize, Bali, Thailand, Australia, and Mexico. In graduate school, I spent 3 months traveling western Europe for my research as well. I plan to start leading destination retreats next year when the world is back open (hopefully) in Bali, Thailand, and Kona, Hawaii.
I look forward to seeing the next steps in my evolution in this life. What a wonderful journey it has been and continues to be.