All of us could use more love infused into our lives, whether we are currently in a relationship or not. We are immersed in our daily environments, with some parts that we can control, and other parts we cannot. No matter what is going on out in the world or in our personal lives, it is crucial to our well-being that we feel and nurture love.
I share strategies that you can use to infuse love into your physical environment. This information works for a room in your home or office. Additionally it can be used to guide you in what clothes and accessories you wear. The following colors, plants, and stones/crystals specifically carry the energy and frequency of different kinds of love.
Choose Colors of Love
Red – If you want to bring more passion and sexual energy into your life, red is an excellent color to use. Red stimulates your physiology by increasing your heart and respiratory rates, enhancing libido, elevating levels of energy and increasing confidence and enthusiasm. Traits of red: passion, sexuality, love, lust, and sexual energy.
Pink – Add in pink for more nurturing and caring love, as pink is related to unconditional love and understanding. It is thoughtful, feminine and romantic. Traits of pink: caring, gentle loving energy, comfort, and feminine.
Magenta – Magenta represents universal love. It uplifts the spirits and promotes compassion and kindness. Traits of magenta: happiness, contentment, cheerfulness, and appreciation for what you have.
Purple – Purple is associated with unconditional and selfless love. It encourages sensitivity and compassion. Traits of purple: feminine, romantic, selfless love, and sensitivity.
Teal – If you want more self-love and to boost your self-esteem, teal is a great color to incorporate. It enhances empathy and caring and opens communication between the heart and spoken word. Traits of teal: self-love, self-esteem, empathy, open communication.
Add Plants for Loving Energy
Jasmine strengthens relationships and builds romance, attracts love and money, works as an aphrodisiac.
Orchid attracts love, soothes the soul, deepens friendships, and is associated with fertility and virility.
Basil brings love, passion, wealth and luck.
Miniature Roses differ depending on color.
White with red details – passion and devotion
Pink – romantic love, sweetness, fun, play
Fuchsia – lust for life, self-love, deep love and acceptance of the physical body
Red – passionate, deep, true love
Use and Wear Stones/Crystals of Love
Amazonite – boosts self-love, connects to inner power, intuitive wisdom, and universal love
Carnelian – heals relationships
Celestine –transmutes pain into love and light
Cobalto Calcite –fosters unconditional love, cultivates self-love, mends broken hearts
Diamond – stone of spirituality and love
Emerald – stone of successful love, loyalty and bliss
Kunzite – connects to infinite source of love, enhances expression of self-love, unconditional love and romantic love
Lemurian Quartz –inspires unconditional love for the Divine and each other
Lepidolite –inspires childlike love and acceptance
Pink Tourmaline – inspires unconditional love and forgiveness of self and others
Rhodochrosite – helps create a balanced, loving approach to life
Rhodonite – expands heart chakra, opens one to unconditional love, inspires self-love, enhances passionate love, mends a broken heart
Rose Quartz – healing crystal that enhances self-love, beloved purity of self and others, unconditional love, nurtures
Ruby – strengthens love
Sodalite – manifests your ability to find soul mate, fosters companionship, opens a heart to the impossible, enhances self-esteem and trust in others
How will you infuse love into your life?